Following the Footsteps of Jesus Christ

11 Day Tour of the Holy Land

DATES: March 17-27, 2025

PRICE: $4,700 (price without air)

Dear Friends,

Are you ready to see your faith come to life? Sometimes we forget the history recorded in the pages of the Bible doesn’t simply fall under the category of “Bible Stories.” It encompasses natural landscapes, real people, and real blood, sweat, and tears. Join me for a life-changing experience in the Holy Land, where you will experience history firsthand and see the landscape where the most significant event in world history occurred: the Resurrection of Jesus.

During this tour, we will explore the ancient Roman city of Caesarea and visit Mt. Carmel, where Elijah called on God to prove His power. We’ll take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and soak in the serene landscape where Jesus delivered his powerful Sermon on the Mount. At Ein Gedi, we’ll stand in the waterfall where David hid from King Saul and where God used the experience to forge his character.

We’ll also visit Nazareth, Cana, Megiddo, and Bethlehem. We'll walk through the walled city of Jerusalem, climb up the same bedrock steps of the Temple Mount Jesus climbed, and float on the Dead Sea. In the Garden of Gethsemane, we’ll spend time in prayer, imagining the night when Judas and his angry mob came to arrest Jesus.

You will be inspired by the faith of the Jewish people and their commitment to making their faith a part of daily life even now. You will also have the opportunity to reaffirm your own personal commitment to Christ through baptism in the Jordan River.

Your experience in Israel will impact your life for years to come and change how you live out your relationship with God daily. I hope you can join us for this fantastic opportunity to partner with Footsteps Ministries and see the Holy Land come to life. David and Elizabeth Sparks will be our hosts and guides, ensuring our adventure is unforgettable with their knowledge, organization, hospitality, and spiritual leadership.

Please contact us for more details and registration information so you can join us on this unforgettable journey. I hope you can join us!

In Christ,
